India was richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th century.
India was the only source for diamonds to the world until 1896.
The number 0 was invented in India
Bathrooms were first built in India almost 4500 years ago
Toilets made with bricks and wood were first made in India
The airmail delivery system started in India
Sugar was first used in India
Peppers and mangos were first grown in India
The idea of vegetarianism started in India
Indians built the first hospital thousands of years ago
Surgery was first done in India
The game Parcheesi came from India
Pajamas and cummerbund came in India
The word shampoo is derived from Hindi, the national language of India
The word catamaran, describing a sailboat, comes from Tamil, a southern language in India
Guru, which means teacher, is also an Indian word
The first university was built in Takshila, India
Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages
The decimal system was invented in India
Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus were all invented in India
The navigation system was invented in India almost 6000 years ago
The earth's revolution around the sun was first calculated in India

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